All fishing at KBR must be done with barbless, artificial flies. Fishing with bait, spinners or lures is not allowed at KBR.
More than two private, seldom-fished miles of the Bear River meander through the heart of KBR holding five species of trout (native Bear River cutthroat, German brown, rainbow, brook and tiger) mountain whitefish, and Arctic grayling. Anglers may encounter
beavers, geese, belted kingfishers, ducks, deer, moose, river otters, owls and other wildlife. Every year, a few trout over 20 inches are landed (and released) at KBR.
Fishing in the Bear River is legal year-round, but ice makes winter fishing difficult at best and high spring flows make fishing problematic from about mid-April until the flow in the river stabilizes which usually occurs sometime between early June and mid-July. With stable flows, the Bear River provides excellent fly fishing for several months of every year. All trout caught in the Bear River must be promptly and carefully released. Fishing in the river is strongly discouraged when the water temperature is above 67 degrees. If you are unfamiliar with proper catch and release technique, please watch the instructional video at the following Leland Ranch link – catch and release tips.
For fly fishing, an 8’-6” or 9’-0”, 4, 5 or 6 weight fly rod is recommended with 6X tippet material. Streamers and leeches with a sink tip fly line work well on the pond. Two of many online sources for flies are bigyflyco.com and catalog.theflyshop.com. Some recommended fly patterns and sizes are:
If you are new to fly fishing or if you would like to have the services of a professional fishing guide for a day or more at KBR, KBR’s manager can try to arrange a professional fishing guide for you at your expense. Advance notice significantly improves your chance of a guide being available.
Youth under 14 don’t need a Wyoming fishing license to fish the Bear River if they are accompanied by a person age 18 or older with a Wyoming fishing license. Licenses and conservation stamps may be purchased online or at Walmart in Evanston. 2020 non-
resident Wyoming fishing license prices are:
One day license - $14 for youth or adults
Annual youth (between 14th and 18th birthday) license - $15 plus a $12.50 conservation stamp
Five consecutive days adult license - $56
Annual adult license - $102 plus a $12.50 conservation stamp
Guests may also fish for stocked trout in our 1½-acre private pond – fishing from shore or from our small rowboat. Use of a spinning rod and reel with a plastic bubble and a fly is allowed and effective on the pond. No license is needed to fish the pond. Long-handled fish landing nets are available for use by guests fishing at the pond. Normal practice is to promptly and carefully release trout caught in the pond, but, during their stay at KBR, a family may keep ONE fish caught in the pond if it will be cooked and eaten while the family is at the ranch. Stocked trout are expensive! A properly released fish can be caught many times during its life bringing excitement and joy to not just one person, but to many.
The world-famous Green River tailwater trout fishery is just over two hours from KBR and some excellent fishing in remote lakes is available in the nearby Uinta Mountains.
Dry Flies
Parachute Madam X (PMX) 8 Royal Wulff 10, 12 or 14 Elk Hair Caddis 14 or 16
Goddard Caddis 12 Parachute Adams 12 or 14 Irresistible Adams 12
Fat Albert (tan or black) 8 or 10 Dave’s Foam Hopper 10 Chubby Chernobyl Ant (purple and tan) 12 and 16
Parachute Hoppers (some tan, some yellow) 10 Mercer’s Missing Link Caddis (The Fly Shop) 12 or 14
Nymphs/Wet Flies
Bead Head Copper John (red, copper and green) 16 Bead Head Prince Nymph 10 or 12
Nymphs may be fished below a strike indicator or a large dry fly.
Streamers and Leeches
Wooly Buggers (olive and black) 8 Bead Head Micro Buggers (olive and black) 12
Bead Head Mini Leeches (olive and black) 8 Bead Head Crystal Bugger (olive and black) 10